the summerly-airy lace stitch



So I’ve heard you’re still looking for that ultimate light & airy stitch screaming „SUMMER“ every time you’re looking at it?


Well, congratulations – you just found what you were looking for!




Today I’m gonna show you how to knit this beautiful lace stitch shown in the pic above.

And you most likely will be surprised on how easy, versatile and fun it is to work with (btw the latest project I’ve created using this exact same stitch is THIS ONE).


All you have to do is:


>> Cast on an uneven number of stitches (as many as you like or need but at least 7 so the pattern can reach it’s maximum splendour).


>> Right side rows: knit 1 *do a yarn over, knit the next 2 stitches together* repeat the part between the * until the end of the row.


>> Wrong side rows: purl 1 *do a yarn over, purl the next 2 stitches together* repeat the part between the * until the end of the row.


Now just repeat the last two steps until you reach the length you need.

Knit one more right side row while performing a basic bind off at the same time – and voilà, you’re done!

 Awesome, right?


I really hope you're going to enjoy this stitch as much as I do, and as always I'd love to see what you're creating - just tag me in your pics over on Instagram (@toowooltobecool) or Facebook (TooWoolToBeCool).


Until next time,







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